• The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

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  • Speakers

    broken image

    Val Efram

    Professor of Literature

    George Mason University

    Topic: Dostoyevsky's ethical framework in the 21st century

    broken image

    Lorne Michaels

    Professor of Linguistics

    University of Arizona

    Topic: Monosyllabic and multi-syllabic language division

    broken image

    Abraham Johnston

    Executive Director

    Education Research Association

    Topic: Continuing cultural education in the workforce

  • Schedule


    9/14: 3pm-6pm

    Day 1: Welcome meeting for all attendees


    9/15: 9am-6pm

    Day 2: Workshops & master classes


    9/16: 9am-6pm

    Day 3: Lectures & panel discussion

  • Time & Place

    Los Angeles Convention Center

    1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA


    9/14/2018 - 9/16/2018

  • Registration & Tickets

    Regular Admission includes all event days.

    Gold Admission also includes access to master classes from our distinguished speakers.


    Buy tickets to register, and bring your ID to check into the event. See you there!